Lone Iversen
Lone Iversen
## Description Added Media picker modal. Other changes: - RTE uses Media Picker rather than Media Tree Picker. - Dropzone can now use the browse function from the uui file...
## Description Allows the UUI Color picker to have an empty string as value. This shows up as fully transparent. Deleting a picked color now sets the value to empty...
## Description Now using `uui-input-lock` component in the desired places. Should be working for workspaces and properties. Re-enables autogeneration of an alias if the alias input become locked while it...
## Description Shows a dialog when a picked property editor schema is not supported in current workspace, such as ImageCropper in blocks. Not-supported property editor schemas for blocks are available...
## Description Dropzone Manager update that can handle folder uploads. Changes: - Dropzone element can now be disabled. - The dropzone no longer dispatches a change event. Instead listen for...