Lois Baker
Lois Baker
Hi @jklymak - thanks for the reply, that makes much more sense if it's only supposed to be used with a linear equation of state! Otherwise, some neutral density would...
The vertical gradient of iso-neutral density is available, so I'm having a go at editing the function to use that instead of in-situ density profiles. I'll update with any progress!
I've just had a chance to come back to this @jklymak. I think KL10 can easily be made to apply to a nonlinear EOS by replacing lines 93-95 pkg/kl10/kl10_calc.F: `CALL...
Hi all, I'd just like to +1 on this as a very useful feature if it can be implemented. Thanks!
Hi - I'm really looking forward to trying this package, it looks great! I'm on macOS 11.3.1, and (predictably) had some trouble installing the package before finding this issue -...
Thanks @angus-g. I just installed miniconda, created the environment using 'conda env create angus-g/filtering39-omp' as above, then ran the notebook analytic_example.ipynb with the relevant kernel. It all works fine until...