I have same problem as @nikky78
Same problem with 2.7.17334. sftp works fine though ``` debug3: read - ERROR from cb :87, io:000002D871B740B0 ... read: Connection reset by peer ```
I've encountered a similar issue. It was because I initiated the command from another path, and it didn't find the `application.properties` file. Soft linking the property file to the working...
> Yes, this would also cause the issue. There is an example command on the docker-hub README: https://hub.docker.com/r/exomiser/exomiser-cli > > ```shell > docker run -v "/data/exomiser-data:/exomiser-data" \ > -v "/opt/exomiser/exomiser-config/:/exomiser"...
Did you use pre-compiled binaries or you compiled the code yourself? I compiled myself with gcc v7 and it sometimes throws an error with taskExitCode -11. I compiled it again...
Thank you for your reply. After some research and trials / errors, I still fail. This is the code I ran: ``` zcat output/demo/TempCNV_child1/CNV.vcf.gz | grep -v ":REF:" > output/demo/TempCNV_child1/CNV.vcf...
I figured out that I needed to provide `kmer.fa`. And since it infers the (wrong) location of `GenomeSize.xml`, I needed to soft link some of the files such as `kmer.fa`...
Thank you @eroller ! I guess the demo run can be deemed a success.
I'm hitting the same error in mpileup.
I had the anonymous setting at the time of the error. I am going to try with GRCh38 and see what happens. EDIT by @maxulysse removed quoted text