
Results 6 comments of loguna123

You may have to change the mass, the inertial and the volume tag such that the vehicle is in a state near to neutral buoyant. A PID maybe needed so...

same issue here. I dont know if Im wrong, but it seems like regardless of CCW or CW propellers, the direction of turn for the propellers is the same in...

when you install gazebo-ros, some default plugins are available to used. The library or .so file is inside the system. But if you create your own plugin from the package...

Just check if the camera xacro is relying on the following plugin : "libgazebo_ros_openni_kinect.so" instead of "libuuv_gazebo_ros_camera_plugin.so" or "libuuv_gazebo_ros_camera.so" to produce point clouds and depth image. The way I did...

Do note that I am using https://github.com/uuvsimulator/uuv_simulator from @musamarcusso that have already integrated @nilsbore's sonar module. To clarify @NickSadjoli on @jake3991 question: 1. We added a URDF for the sonar...

Do you perhaps have solution to this? I know I have to manually specify the queue size to the msgs publish (in the code) to solve this issue but idk...