Pierce Nichols
Pierce Nichols
Not yet -- it turned out to be more complicated than it looked like at first once I started thinking about it. In particular, you have to make sure to...
Ok, a little more poking and prodding, and I've found another slow down. It takes a few hundred microseconds per character for the read loop inside handle_proto to execute. The...
Yes -- my particular problem is taken care of b/c I have a usable workaround.
Turns out if I use timestamp values rather than date/times in the inputs it works... but 'can only have zeros past the milliseconds place' is still a serious bug in...
Where is this part of the project? I'm not really familiar with USB from the stack perspective, so I'm not sure how to contribute to this issue. :(
Not having it is somewhat painful for me. Would you object to me standing it up as it is and refactoring it for speed later?
I'm working on this for SAM4S now and I've noticed that it would be extremely convenient to have a couple of things... 1) Define the peripheral used for PWM or...
Assuming no comments, I will test my implementation of this this weekend and then generate a pull request.
Fun conflict: the CMSIS files for SAM4S define SPI... which is the default identifier for the SPI interface in Arduino. Thoughts on possible resolutions?
Any chance you can translate the text into English? I can't read anything else. :(