
Results 6 comments of logixworx

Has this issue been resolved? I followed the instructions on this link and got the exact error shown here. https://github.com/sschmid/Entitas-CSharp/wiki/Entitas-pure-C%23

what is causing the crashing?

I'm making a tool that lets the user configure and map the circular touchpads on a DIY VR controller. ![control](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3038610/117508085-d9171800-af3c-11eb-9f3b-ed18df766a25.png)

I realized that I dont need a function that returns the intersection points - the touch range will never go outside the circle anyway. just need a circle drawn in...

yes - exactly :)

another widget that myself and others would find useful - angle adjustment. Drag a control point to adjust the difference between the current and new angle vectors. ![control](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3038610/117512680-f18b3080-af44-11eb-94f3-2ba267147995.png)