Loggers VIII
Loggers VIII
In case you aren’t aware, you can see spaces you have and haven’t visited using the #terrain command. I’ve also done this level and it was somewhat helpful
> it doesn't tell you how to reach rooms that have unexplored teleporters Well, to have gotten to a room, seen a teleporter, and proceed to not step on it...
>If I was exploring a dungeon and picked up a bottle filled with clear liquid, I think I would make the assumption that it was probably water, but given all...
explore mode does work for most variants on hardfought, including 3.7. it just doesn’t count for the scoreboard and stuff. you can do #exploremode or set OPTIONS=playmode:explore in your config...
>No longer makes lawful demon princes hostile. (It's a newbie trap that can get inexperienced players wrecked by demons that they could have otherwise paid off. There's not even any...
The reason this happens is pretty straightforward: basically, it’s because Shadowblade is aligned with both an alignment (chaotic), and a race (Drow). It’s similar to how quest artifacts work. For...