Leandro Nunes

Results 6 issues of Leandro Nunes

Read: [CONTRIBUTING.md](../blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) > To celebrate the Hacktoberfest, everyone is welcome to this issue =) Happy Hacktoberfest and happy hacking! 🎉


Be creative =) Read [the article](https://medium.com/meninunes/bash-construindo-indicador-de-progresso-8de94c37683) if needed... > To celebrate the Hacktoberfest, everyone is welcome to close this issue =) Happy Hacktoberfest and happy hacking! 🎉


This cli approach helps to prevent initial errors. Also, changed development instructions section to run using npm script instead of grunt. ![grunt](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2450417/27312764-cd330cec-5540-11e7-84c4-28f4fd615ead.png) @afonsof

Alteração simples nos códigos de exemplo (_"Como utilizar"_) de forma que se a pessoa simplesmente consiga copiar e colar no Runkit e o código funcione! Pois o padrão do Runkit...


I'm getting the error mentioned in the title. I could find on closed issues a similar one #310 that was closed but the error persists though, so I'm opening this...