Lincoln Mullen
Lincoln Mullen
If you take a d3-carto map like [this one]( and zoom in and out in Safari, the points drawn in an SVG layer disappear if you zoom in too much....
It would be nice to add functions `map.maxZoom()` and `map.minZoom()` to prevent users from zooming the map too far in or out.
readtext is great. My students will thank you. For reading in a directory of plain text files, you can get substantial time savings (roughly 30x on my machine) by using...
For very large corpora, it would be good to have a database backend so things don't have to stay in memory.
Create an index of n-grams and documents containing those n-grams, with ways to remove rare (unique?) or common n-grams, and to extract pairs of matches from that index.
Implement earth mover distances as described in this paper. There is a gensim implementation. If possible, do this using the word2vec package's GloVe implementation from @dselivanov.
Rewrite the package so that it uses DTM matrices from text2vec and LSH from the LSHR package, both from @dselivanov.