Lars Mohrmann
Lars Mohrmann
For my understanding: this is relevant only for the case `FOVALIGN=ALTAZ`, right? For HESS, I've been producing models with `FOVALIGN=RADEC` mostly, so I cannot say much about how good the...
A few comments: 1) Not sure why they are called `pseudo_fov_coord` in the code, but this is simply a transformation from sky coordinates to FoV coordinates, or not? The background...
@maxnoe OK, so you're saying that we might be able to use that new frame in Gammapy, should we ever want to make use of the polar coordinates? That's totally...
I tend to agree, although I'm not sure whether this format is maybe used by someone. Anyone knows what it's supposed to mean?
> Then I tried to do the same with the PSF, and fv segfaulted. I take full responsibility - I did not test these files with fv 😅
Agreed, I would also prefer `TeV^-1` here. @adonath, @registerrier, @jknodlseder - could you comment whether the science tools rely on the unit being `MeV^-1`?
@MaxNoe I think most commenters preferred to keep the low and high bin edges. @registerrier, you would propose to add some information on the default interpolation scheme to be used...
I agree with @JouvinLea that "IRF components are stored just as a function of true energy" is not necessarily true for point-like IRFs, or is it? I would argue that...
The definition for binned spectral data that you're referring to doesn't exist any longer in the current version of the specs, as far as I can tell (your link is...
@Jvinniec I don't have a strong opinion here, but this should obviously coordinated between tool developers. @registerrier or @adonath for Gammapy: thoughts?