Lorenzo Meninato
Lorenzo Meninato
Do you know if theres a way to only enable column sorting on certain columns?
Just load a dataset with multiple time series. So just to visualize your dataset: Date | time_series_1 | time_series_2 | ... date1| value1 | value2 | ... ... This should...
Would be great to have a fix for this - a simple fix might be if there's a forward reference (https://peps.python.org/pep-0484/#forward-references) just wrap it in quotes. ``` { "$id": "schema",...
Yeah decent point. I think August 15, 2018 is the appropriate date for the dataset (based on this [commit](https://github.com/lmeninato/GoFundMe/commit/dfb36ee44592a912b214a2011619b786487d69a4)). Feel free to make a pull request adding that date column...
Yea that's something I'm looking to add. My guess is to use selenium to expose the entire HTML. It probably gives a truncated text if the user hasn't scrolled down....
Happy to help with this as well. I have _some_ but not a lot of Rust experience. I have a fair amount of R programming background. One project to look...
Would probably want to use a chart label placement algorithm