Mingbao Lin 林明宝

Results 27 comments of Mingbao Lin 林明宝

是; matplotlib, 具体代码没保存了。

> 仅对于VGG16的Flops计算,我们debug了一下,发现当卷积层时它每次进入的是“get_flops.py”文件中的第73-76行: >             delta_ops = layer.in_channels * (layer.out_channels-pruned_num) * layer.kernel_size[0] *   >                     layer.kernel_size[1] * out_h * out_w / layer.groups * multi_add > 这句等号右边的第一项输入的channel个数是不是没考虑上一层剪枝后channel个数的删去量?不知是否是我理解有问题? 这些问题我们在readme里都已经讲的很清楚了,请自行参考

> 好的好的,就是说hrank比论文中展示的还要优秀,感谢! 参考 https://github.com/lmbxmu/HRankPlus

Hi, thanks for your interest~ Actually, we have tried the observation using YOLOv3 on COCO2014 and it worked as well. We didn't try SSD detector but I believe (or guess~...

Thanks for your interest. Please refer to this repo(https://github.com/lmbxmu/ABCPruner).

> 为什么不加载BN层参数呢? 影响不大