Thank you so much! With this information we could get it. So yes, it's clear: our system is customized and we used the usersettings from a fresh install with a...
Why you recommend: rm -rf /etc/skel/.cache If i want ALL customizations!?
Great. Is it possible to rename your installer so that it becomes the name of the distro!? Why you don't use the default Debian/ubuntu/Linux mint installer? We have a customized...
Your installer rocks a lot and fixes the thing with the hostname and our little initramfs problem during install. Great. But next problem: You going the recommend "old School" way...
..just the "bug" with the hostname errornessage in remastered livesystem. And a swapfile incompability of the installer with Linux mint default settings. The installer icon should autoremove after Install in...
Resolv.conf and its folder is missing in /etc of the livesystem too! So it was maybe not copied in distmode?!? What should i edit in remastersys, to avoid this next...
Something with systemd!?
Hey sorry, i have to know: is the resolv.conf or systemd "touched" by remastersys distro-mode or not! I need this information to find a way to fix it next time..
Thank's for answering and taking your time. Yesss/many images, long nights too. As we build last image in distmode there should be cdfs/dummysys to edit. But files like /etc/resolv.conf are...
Comment the lines out (167-171) brings the result of a crashing remastersys script. Should i delete this files or how to fix it right?