Thanks for your answer! But i give up, bro! Microsoft Skype is not really important and attractive to me. I just like to know how to fix things and keep...
My question: Is it generally possible to create an UEFi-Boot compatible custom.iso under an just BIOS-based Computer WITHOUT UEFI!??
If i choose GRUB instead of ISOLINUX in remastersys, the EFI-files are copied! At the end i have to say that you was right @nerun : this remastersys version got...
Yes, you're right! It seems to be that it belongs maybe to some differences between Debian and Linux Mint!? I just made a remastersys (backupmode) of a clean and customized...
I will try isolinux instead oft grub now! Maybe the problem will be solved this way?!? I noticed that there are coming no xorriso-dependencies if i install Version 4.9 of...
Yea great. Thank you sooo much too. Yesterday i made an image with ISOLINUX and remastersys 4.9 without any errors. But i had no xorriso installed! So it is wrong...
Comment moved to issue #16 by @nerun.
What can i edit that the remastersys installer icon is NOT set on livesystems desktop?
I made a customized Mate Menu and the appdock Plank should be leftside. If i use dist-mode, the default Mate Mintmenu comes back after install and plank is downside. Also...