
Results 5 comments of llyyccccc

> The code is based on [MMSegmentaion v0.24.1](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmsegmentation/tree/v0.24.1). You can check what version of mmcv is used for this version of mmsegmentation 成功了 谢谢 请问大佬如过想要使用stage1的话应该如何修改代码呢?

> > Hi,l have the same problem,l want to train the model with a single-gpu because l have only one gpu,but it reported the same error after l modify 'SyncBN'...

> Hi,l have the same problem,l want to train the model with a single-gpu because l have only one gpu,but it reported the same error after l modify 'SyncBN' in...

> 但在运行test_reg_fusion.py文件的时候一直报错,我是否可以考虑把disp部分删除? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/115449371/206824688-048f0169-606f-4abf-8655-fa0ba862f623.png) 请问删除后有效果吗?我删除之后进行配准没有效果

> > > > 你好 我把图片resize后还是报同样的错误 请问解决了吗?