Lluís Hernàndez Iglesias

Results 6 comments of Lluís Hernàndez Iglesias

@pcm0nk nope, I had to use a middleware in the meanwhile... I think this package is not maintained anymore

Any news on this? I love harp js, but this is really its weak point, and such a basic functionality of other frameworks

Additional info... It could be some trouble with the API. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14786440/120533255-d515d300-c3e0-11eb-9675-8365d495b421.png)

Yes please! This would be an awesome feature actually...

> For fully static Nuxt websites hosted on Netlify, this build plugin could also be a viable solution: https://github.com/netlify-labs/netlify-plugin-sitemap Woah! Didn't know about that one! Thank you!