Lluís Gili
Lluís Gili
it happens the same to me, with rspec + parallel_tests run where report 12/12 overrides coverage: ``` lluis@laptop:~/git/vz (1685-test-coverage)$ rm -r coverage/ ; bundle exec rake parallel:spec # (skipped non-coverage...
hi! is tracker working on wine?
finally found time to try it (on Debian 9 Linux), application works but it does not read the log (used "locate output_log" button)
while testing, I've found a mistake on README.md, on line 73: source venv/Scripts/activate should be: source venv/bin/activate
> Does it read the log from the default way Or just not at all literally both ways? no at all both ways, but to be sure, how can I...
ok, found it, on Linux is ~/.config/mtgatracker/Settings
yes, in my case, it's on PlayOnLinux wineprefix: ~/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/magic/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/LocalLow/Wizards\ Of\ The\ Coast/MTGA/output_log.txt
yes, it works pretty nice, you have info on the winehq page: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=37229&iTestingId=104549 (some workarounds required)
my doubt was for 0.1.2 version
use `./make-built-in-config.sh .`