
Results 40 comments of llmII

Not a duplicate. #2010 one has a discussion on how to implement a jump table for easy shortcut access sure. I'm less worried about accessing it as a shortcut and...

I'd have to look at the code when I get home but the entire reason for "more keys" is simply to display more maildirs. The key is the display, not...

It would appear if `:key` is set to `?o` all is fine, it'll still do the same selection process `o` is supposed to do. So supposedly I could just set...

For reference, reimplemented the functions like so. ``` elisp (defun mu4e~main-maildirs () "Return a string of maildirs with their counts." (cl-loop with mds = (mu4e~maildirs-with-query) with longest = (mu4e~longest-of-maildirs-and-bookmarks) with...

Note: Also fixes displaying "{1}" on empty lines for some languages (though probably should have been fixed via the format function instead of a quick hack elsewhere).

#7 is fixed with this as well.

@clach04 look at [simplelog.lua](https://code.amlegion.org/lua-simplelog/file?udc=1&ln=on&ci=tip&name=simplelog.lua). It has syntax highlighting and line numbers (per that link). We are no longer using highlightjs-line-numbers for this as there's builtin ways to do this with...

For the most part, I followed the installation guide. When configuring, I had to disable the limiter or I'd get a "too many requests" consistently (might help to know the...

I actually was busy debugging the limiter issue (reading the code, enabling debug) and came to basically the same solution you did although I excluded `X-Scheme` and `X-Script-Name` (not sure...

@return42 I might can help with some parts, like sha256sum being fine with BSD or GNU versions of it. grunt-image is another story. It's a matter of, grunt-image depends on...