> could we get this to support graphql inline and not just graphql files? In typescript on vscode we get this with the gql function and things like this leading...
Can we identify which parts present actual problems? 1. Is it the having to paste a snippet in code into `init.lua`? 2. Is it the having to open a text...
> I think you missed step zero, which is install a plugin manager. :) Ah, that's what I meant by > 1. Is it the having to paste a snippet...
I think this is due to the technique used: https://github.com/anuvyklack/hydra.nvim/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md > Every hydra (except pink) is an infinite chain of `(...)` keybindings. I do have this problem as well with...
vscode-solidity has solhint but unfortunately I don't think there's an easy way to turn off its other features in VSCode (other editors like Neovim and Helix can do it). As...
> `e2e:metro` creates the simulator build with some workarounds for detox; you want to use `yarn ios` Would probably apply to `yarn ios` as well since the commands are nearly...
Ah, I see that the stack navigation is not initialized if you navigate to some of these pages directly via URL. So this actually slightly a bit more work
> Or remove the `sentry-expo` plugin from the `app.json` file, if you don't want to use Sentry. This + removing the postpublish hook is sufficient IME. But I had to...
> visual feedback triggers due to the scroll touch Seems like different apps behave differently here, Discord removes the feedback entirely, Twitter/IG/FB keep it on. It's cleaner with `delayPressIn={130}` which...