Thanks for pointing this out. The only reason I wanted this is because I have some strange filenames such as `Kill.la.Kill.S01E01.1080p-Hi10p.BluRay.FLAC2.0.x264-CTR.[98AA9B1C].mkv` which trackma can't parse for the title and episode....
ZotEZ2 is able to do this (you can sign in to a "Remote Attachment Location" and browse to a base directory). However, it's not open-source and there is definitely no...
I've made my own version as well: https://github.com/llllvvuu/dl-webapp-sources . It takes a list of .js or .js.map (can be URIs or local filepaths)
> > > So something like this would work? > > > ``` > > > --- src/tree_sitter_parser.rs > > > +++ src/tree_sitter_parser.rs > > > @@ -857,6 +857,14 @@...
I made a PR if y'all are interested @pwntester @hrsh7th @lukamanitta @Thanatermesis @DanielPower @MannyFay #1701
> ```lua > cmp.setup({ > ... > completion = { > autocomplete = { > cmp.TriggerEvent.TextChanged, > cmp.TriggerEvent.InsertEnter, > }, > completeopt = "menuone,noinsert,noselect", > keyword_length = 0, > },...
Solution is here: https://github.com/mattn/efm-langserver/pull/246 Added to README for `prettierd`
I just looked into this, and this is my idea for a solution: https://github.com/juanfranblanco/vscode-solidity/pull/411 It would remove the need to make a manual copy the default settings (which may get...
Same as https://github.com/Wilfred/difftastic/issues/186 I think (The answer to "how much of difftastic's superpowers would we lose if we do that?" seems to be "some")
> > Allow putting something like: > > to remove a pattern from the "exports" map > > This already works [exactly as stated](https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#package-entry-points). Goot catch, thanks. I've striked that...