`env` is always passed from `execute` and `query` to the specific execute / query functions, but barely used. Can we just skip passing `env`?
1. after `native_coin_registry` contract is introduced, `factory` deployment is broken because we need to deploy `native_coin_registry` first 2. deploy script's vesting account end time needs to be greater than current...
### Describe the feature Ideally we can define dependency version only in the root cargo.toml ``` [workspace.dependencies] anyhow = "1.0.75" astroport = "2.8.0" bech32 = "0.9.1" cosmwasm-schema = "1.4.0" cosmwasm-std...
### Recommended solution [Bump optimizer version from 0.12.6 to 0.14.0 or latest.]( ### Issue description see more detail in [my msg in cosmwasm discord]( ### Steps to reproduce the issue...
Currently finder doesn't support searching native token by denom (for example, ibc token like `ibc/E8AC6B792CDE60AB208CA060CA010A3881F682A7307F624347AB71B6A0B0BF89` or token minted by token factory like `factory/inj17vytdwqczqz72j65saukplrktd4gyfme5agf6c/usdc`)
As title said. I'm using m1 mackbook pro and on the latest version of osmosis-std 0.22. Even renaming a file takes super long, and indexing also takes very long time....
Cosmos sdk supports secp256r1 (aka p256), but it seems like no js client (cosmjs does not) support signing it so far. secp256r1 is usually used by passkey, supporting it will...