Results 16 comments of Marcus T

I had a similar issue using Cygwin. I've created a pull request #17 to address Cygwin issues. I also found that adding `-DCPU_X86_FORCE_INTRINSICS` fixed the issue but may reduce performance...

I don't think this is a speed issue but a noise issue. When you build musl-cross-make, the first _125 **thousand** lines_ of output are just from extracting archives. That's not...

I was working on a unrelated project. Honestly, I think converting to `RGB` (or telling the user to do so) is probably the only way to go. PIL will load...

What are you using to convert the jgitver version string into a Helm chart version? The omitted `// Additional helm tasks` seems to be pretty critical here.

Correct. We have an "admin" account whose token we use for running automated configuration things. The admin user themself doesn't down any projects, but we need them to apply configurations...

It appears that patching [`chrome/browser/`]( to always use `browser_resources.grd` is a potential workaround. I've managed to successfully complete a non-SDK build after applying such a patch, but this doesn't seem...

@LeonardLaszlo You have `nwjs_sdk=0` in your GYP_DEFINES, but not `nwjs_sdk=false` in your GN_ARGS. The output of the `gn` command is what creates the `dist` step and `nwjs_sdk=true` is the default...

I did some poking around and unfortunately, I don't think we can determine from the provided image if it's supposed to be for ARM or ARM64. Specifically, the RaspiOS boot...

I haven't quite worked out what causes that issue yet, but if you rerun the makefile with sudo (i.e. `sudo make image`) it'll fix it. Ideally, the fix would be...

Two things: 1. This is an issue to track the image not being buildable, not a troubleshooting thread for the development branch I'm still working on. Please reserve any build...