
Results 8 comments of llafuente

take a look at: DefaultInput.cs There is a macro: UP_USE_CN_INPUT_MANAGER, that enable a plugin CnControls You need to download CnControls from the UnityStore and declare the macro at the top...

Sure :) https://github.com/llafuente/unity-platformer/blob/master/LICENSE is MIT

hi @Thundros, this library is obsolete I don't have time to fix it myself. Long time ago I move most of the library to: [ECM2](https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/physics/easy-character-movement-2-193614) and it's my recomendation. This...

This must be done using a matrix4x4, and translate Vector2.Up to a method that return Up * matrix.

Attack was improved at a2b87672320f57771ab4d6f063988ad81fbf3e2b to support * forceAnimation * character state dependency We have support for crounch, standing or jumping attacks.

Hi, I try to debug this issue. Because I have it without the use of st-template Here is the updated plunker with the issue fixed. http://plnkr.co/edit/rGTv2qOGGlvgzc767LKW?p=preview But has some problems......

I'm developing this tutorial more, fixing some bugs, can you please check if it still happens @ https://github.com/llafuente/unity-platformer

can you please send a PR with the fix to https://github.com/llafuente/unity-platformer