Lawrence Krubner

Results 22 comments of Lawrence Krubner

Actually I can not get this to work. I am using (wrap-keyword-params) so most of the form inputs are keywords, but not the datetime-select inputs, which for some reason remain...

Huh. This is strange. Even if I manually create a datetime and put it into the (:params request) Formative still removes it when it validates the data. Right now I...

Looking here: I see: ``` (fu/to-date (fu/from-timezone (fu/with-time date (fu/hour time) (fu/minute time) (fu/sec time)) ``` So I added a "timezone" as string: ``` { :name :start-at :note "...

This: (pprint request) shows me (among other things): :form-params {}, all data is in: :multipart-params and: :params These last 2, :multipart-params and :params, have similar content, but :multipart-params have keys...

It is a strange error for sure. I'm reaching for straws here. Could there be some coflict with another library? Or development setting? My project.clj right now is: (defproject admin...

Okay, fixed now. Sorry for the trouble. I had to run "lein clean". I notice that the code from 2 years ago: Back then, add-hook only took 2 arguments....

Ha! I like the poster you link to. I agree, there was some disparity between what "lein tree" showed me and what was actually there. When I have time, and...

I think it is fine to return objects or strings, so long as the library is consistent. I hate having to guess (and I find myself testing functions in the...

Slingshot is very flexible and allows you a system for throwing and catching whatever error and meta-data you need to handle most of the problems a JVM app faces, but...