Lawrence Krubner
Lawrence Krubner
I never figured it out. I did keep updating XCode, all plugins, the OS, etc, and eventually something worked. I think I tried some other commands.
It looks like this fix was never made into an official release? Is there anywhere to get this fix? I'd be nervous about maintaining my own fork.
@worace -- I had the impression the fix was there, but hasn't been merged to a release branch yet?
I guess this is still an issue? I'm using the newest version of durable-queue, but I see the same issue: (Stats about from-tables-to-topics-queue: {message {:num-slabs 1, :num-active-slabs 1, :enqueued 113245,...
So, I upgraded to Java 11, and now everything works. So I guess this was a version conflict. Just curious, but is there a way for Factual to make durable-queue...
Just to be clear, the code worked fine on my MacBook Pro. But if I ran `lein uberjar` and uploaded the uberjar to the EC2 instance, then I got the...
All I can say is that I need Monger to survive. I think there was a fundraiser at one point? I contributed once and I would contribute again. This library...
Perhaps related to this, I can not get a datetime to render correctly. I posted some screenshots of the problem on my blog: Is that a bug, or do...
Okay, this: (println (str (class (:created-at item)))) gives me: class org.joda.time.DateTime Do I need to coerce this to a different type? This value is probably coming back to me straight...
Apparently, I was able to fix this problem by adding the special keys "year-start" and "year-end". Perhaps the documentation could make clear that these keys are mandatory? I ended up...