Lukáš Král
Lukáš Král
We have recreated one of the clusters with only one worker to test if the issue persists and we keep encountering it even in 1 coordinator + 1 worker setup....
Unfortunately `table2` is fairly complex and references multiple other tables. I will see if I can trigger this with some simple table. We have also encountered this same exact issue...
Okay, so we can trigger on our clusters with just this: ``` START TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE public.table2 ( id int8 GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT table2_pk PRIMARY KEY...
I can, it is the very first migration we have. Did some stepping through the code and it is correctly called with batch_execute, but it always fails with above mentioned...
I have created a simple migration which triggers this issue: ``` SET LOCAL citus.multi_shard_modify_mode TO 'sequential'; CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS "public"; -- public.table1 CREATE TABLE public.table1 ( id int8...
Can't really try it against just PostgreSQL as the `create_reference_table` functions are part of the Citus extension. I just wanted to say that we aren't talking about pure PostgreSQL here...
I can confirm that we are indeed updating single row with single statement. This is log from worker 1 containing "deadlock detected", which mentions this occuring on the worker 2...
After disabling deadlock detection, we can observe that there are indeed several transactions that are completely stuck. All of them have the same exact `UPDATE` (with different values). Below is...
Unfortunately I don't have more that could help with reproduction right now, as I am unable to reproduce this on an another cluster with the same schema either. But I...
It would be possible to grant an access to the faulty cluster temporarily if it would help with investigation of this issue. Let me know if this is something worth...