感谢分享! 我使用readme里默认的Digital_Music数据集,训练了DeepCoNN和NARRE。 1. 发现在DeepCoNN上验证结果为`evaluation reslut: mse: 0.8446; rmse: 0.9190;` 好于NRCA中出现的`mse=1.056`。在NARRE上为`evaluation reslut: mse: 0.8321; rmse: 0.9122; mae: 0.6754` ,差于NRCA文中的`mse=0.812`。 2. 此外,在较大的数据集上Video_Games上,NARRE的mse也只有`1.14`左右,达不到NRCA中的`1.11`。在Toys_and_Games数据集上NARRE和DeepCoNN都是差`0.844`左右。 3. 上述结果,我都是用不同随机数训练3-4次,还是存在和NRCA的差距。 想问下作者在具体复现baselines的时候,还需要注意哪些问题能达到和NRCA中差不多的结果呢。
Thank you for sharing the code. You are sooooo nice!!! When I reprodcue the VAE-CF base on TAFA. I found that the result is very poor. Could you share the...
Hi, Thank you for sharing. My question is as the title description.
Environment: + ubuntu 18.04 mujoco_py== ``` Found 3 GPUs for rendering. Using device 1. libEGL warning: Not allowed to force software rendering when API explicitly selects a hardware device. Could...