Large inputs can take a long time to process and csv2rdf does not display any output during processing. Some CI environments automatically kill processes that produce no output during some...
The `valueUrl` property within column definitions allow URL values to be created, but other data types are not supported. Consider adding a column property for literal values e.g. ```language json...
Add an optional status indicator to the CLI output indicating how far through the intput file(s) the processing is. This could periodically write a message of the form: processing row...
Update the travis build to create an uberjar when the tests are successful. Create a github release for the resulting package on tag.
The CSVW test cases described in `manifest.csv` are used to describe multiple test variants e.g. RDF, JSON and validation tests. The test cases in `csvw_test.clj` generated from `manifest.csv` currently combines...
Configure CORS correctly within the pedestal server returned from `server/create-server`. This should respond to pre-flight OPTIONS request as well as set the required headers on the subsequent GraphQL request.
Allow observations to be filtered by (possibly partial) matches on the reference area label e.g. observations(dimensions: {reference_area: {label: "E01004803"}}) { ... } regular expressions for labels could also be supported...
Issue #127 - Add validation queries for use with rdf-validator which checks a data source against the requirements CubiQL makes on data cubes. The queries are templates which expect the...
Investigate whether content types other than JSON (e.g. EDN, CSV) can be negotiated.