Phúc H. Lê Khắc
Phúc H. Lê Khắc
I am also looking for this feature. In addition, is it possible in step 2 to update the text of a cell without trigger a full page reload? After I...
This package that use `jupytext` seems to solve this problem: though I haven't tried it yet since I'm not using jupyter anymore.
Thanks, I will take a look. What I like about this pluging is the proper grouping of the multiline function definition with the summary sentence, plus separate folding of doc....
I made a quick attempt but found that Flax currently has a bug preventing multiple inheritance with Mixin . I will try a different way later.
Another treesitter-based option while waiting for the builtin indent plugin get fixed: That plugin at least solved my python indent problem.
I have the same problem when loading video into numpy. ``` yield id,{ "video": imageio.v3.imread(video_path), "label": int(label) } ``` Since video files are heavy, it can only processes a dozen...
Thank you. For those who get '... undefined symbol', add `extra_link_args=['-fPIC', '-Wl,-Bsymbolic', '-lavutil', '-lavcodec', '-lavformat', '-lswscale', '-L/home/phuc/pytorch-coviar/ffpmeg-install/lib/']` with the correct path of your install in the end.
Hi did you reslove this problem?
In the latest version, I was able to run keepsake with hydra by simply add `repository: file://.keepsake` in the `keepsake.yaml` in the root directory, not the one created for each...
Hey that look nice. Thank @tntmarket . Looking forward to this.