Shine Lee
Shine Lee
> 原厂rom么? 是的,360os
> 楼主是开发者?那能否帮忙测试一下,另外写一个 Demo,其中只增加一个名叫 `com.xiaomi.push.service.PushServiceMain` 的空服务并尝试启动,看一下能否正常启动? 不可以,logcat相关日志: 2018-11-06 17:07:33.123 1095-11536/? I/ActivityManager: block sdk start service, want to start : cmp=com.xiaomi.xmsf/com.xiaomi.push.service.PushServiceMain ``` package com.xiaomi.push.service; ... public class PushServiceMain extends Service { private...
> 还可以在精细一点,我感觉360应该对某个关键字做了拦截。。 > 比如com.xiaomi.push.service 中的push 或者 是 PushServiceMain的push > > 我猜测问题应该是push这个字。不确定是包名中的还是类名上的,或者两者都会拦截。。 > > //一声惊叹 和关键字没有任何关系,com.xiaomi.xmsf.push.service.PushServiceMain可以正常启动 看日志划重点 ***block sdk start service***,把PushServiceMain误判为SDK中的service 应该是根据service包名和apk包名做的拦截 /*一声惊叹*/
> Does it work in the "experimental" branch? No, you can test this test case \begin{array}{cc}{-6-10} & {6-0} & {0+10} \\{9-35}& {3-5} & {12-30}\end{array}
> Are you sure your syntax is right? It looks a bit odd eg `\{` > > Try > ` {\begin{array}{cc}-6-10&9-35 \\ 6-0&3-5 \\ 0+10&12-30 \\ \end{array}}` Sorry,`\` should be`\\`...
> So there's a "c" missing - try: > > `\begin{array}{ccc} {-6-10} & {6-0} & {0+10} \\{9-35}& {3-5} & {12-30}\end{array}` So what does `ArrayOptions. complete ` function mean? The following...