Laura Harris
Laura Harris
@sajo-ebi many of these are fixed but some still give only one location, where two should be reported (e.g. rs784411 x rs12418451). However, a quick check suggests this could be...
Verified: all SNP x SNP interactions that can be mapped to a gene, have been successfully mapped in the last release. In a very few cases, e.g. rs11008099, rs10830963 no...
See also goci#828, also goci#808
@ala-ebi I think this can be closed, but not sure about the tomcat part?
mentioned in [this ticket](
To work on w/c 3rd Jan
Close after DR
@eks-ebi should there be a "not" in the title of this issue?
This is now fixed.
Hi @CholoTook, we don't have an immediate plan to provide mapping for variants without an rsID. We would like to be able to map chr:bp as you suggest, but unfortunately...