This is all totally subjective, of course, but I personally really like scoped CSS in Vue. It: 1. Prevents me from inadvertently applying styles to other parts of my project....
Initially, I was thinking "oh, just like Vue does it": 1. `` to opt in to the behavior 2. Allow mixing `` and `` in a single component 3. The...
I would be interested in using this project to store state for a wails app (https://github.com/wailsapp/wails). @fergusstrange , would you advise against this?
I am having the same problem as well. One workaround is to add an empty comment in between: ``` `timescale 1ns / 1ps // `default_nettype none ``` or ``` `timescale...
In case anyone is looking for a quick workaround, I monkeypatched the import like: ``` import fractions, math fractions.gcd = math.gcd # hack to fix deltasigma import import deltasigma ```