Lee Coomber
Lee Coomber
Is the use of destructuring assignment that unnatural? I guess it's quite new but I would expect it to become increasingly familiar with JS devs. I would have thought that...
Fair enough on the dependency point. But I don't class requiring Babel to use Laconia being much of an improvement ;-) (though I guess it could be optional so only...
I have similar thoughts to #111 - essential avoiding premature abstraction in a framework for things that are likely to require specific implementation detail. That said, one use case I've...
I’m appalled that people still feel the need to do this :-) My (admittedly limited) view is that it’s very rare that a sequence number is really really needed, it’s...
I don't know how niche unique number would be, but I like the more specific use case and API proposal. Could the UUID include chars as well as numbers?
I think your instinct about unnecessary abstraction is sound. Are there concrete use cases people are seeing in the wild where support would help? In most cases I'd imagine a...
Re: more elaboration... DynamoDB supports (fairly) rich query language which would be hard to abstract over. Targeting a spring-data alike abstraction though sounds very do-able.
Hi, sorry for the massive delay but didn't see the notification for this. Am personally not a fan of using the default bindings as I prefer making routing very explicit....