ledit copied to clipboard
Simple no bullshit text editor
Very simple GPU Rendered text editor without any bullshit.
With keybinds inspired by emacs.
Ledit runs on all 3 major operating systems: GNU/linux, macOS and Windows.
if you just want to test the editor then download it from the releases
The base motivation was just simply that i wanted to have a look into OpenGL and doing GPU accelerated things, i did not plan to create a text editor from the get go.
After starting to experiment a bit i decided to call this a small side Project and implement a proper editor.
About the no bullshit
My issue with modern software is that they get more bloated and complex without any aparent reason.
A text editor should be a program to allow the user editing of text-based files. Maybe some visual highlighting, but thats IT.
Take Visual studio code, when it started, i saw it as a good text editor, one could argue its from a bad company AND web based, but for me it solved the problem of a text editor well.
But Over the years they added nonsense features like live sharing and the "directory protection pop up" feature which popped up on every start.
I dont care if these features can be disabled or ignored, they solve no problem related to a text editor and bloat the program.
Thats why i use emacs or this.
Ledit is in a way the same, it does not have a plugin system, neither does it even have a redo, but for me it solves the problem of a text editor and it does not need to be anything more then that.
Ledit will work correctly with ascii and 2 byte unicode/UTF-8, 3-4 byte unicode characters will not work.
To build ledit you only need CMake and a C/C++ compiler which supports C++17. ledit requires GLFW and freetype2 but these are included in the third-party folder.
GNU/Linux & MacOS
To get the prerequisites run:
Then you can build the executable with
For debug builds use build_debug.sh
Ledit builds with MSVC and does not require a unix betewen layer like Cgywin. You will need at least a recent version of the windows MSVC C++ compiler, its better to install entire visual studio for the sake of the case that vs installer might leave out needed components. then run in a CMD in the folder:
git submodule update --init
mkdir Release
cd Release
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release
- src/main.cc: main rendering logic and keyboard callbacks.
- src/state.h: logic for controlling and state point.
- src/cursor.h: this is the most important file besides main, it manages the text state, what to render and where. and implements all logic components for manipulation.
- src/shader.h: manages shader loading.
- src/font_atlas.h: font atlas and width calculation.
- src/shaders.h: inlined shaders.
- src/highlighting.h: simple highlighting engine.
- src/languages.h: contains modes for certain languages for highlighting.
- src/provider.h: This contains the config parser and providers for folder autocomplete and other related things.
- src/selection.h: Small structure to keep track of selection state.
- src/la.(cc/h): Vectors implementation for coords and RGBA colors.
- third-party: ledit dependencies
There are more but these are self explaining.
ledit can have a config in your home directory ~/.ledit/config.json
The following values can be set(without the comments)
For the colors there are default values, for the font face either remove it completely or make sure its a valid path.
"colors": {
"comment_color": [
127, 127, 127, 127 // Comment color if a active mode is present, in RGBA (0-255)
"default_color": [
242, 242, 242, 242 // Default color for text, in RGBA (0-255)
"keyword_color": [
153, 25, 51, 255 // Keyword color if a active mode is present, in RGBA (0-255)
"special_color": [
51, 51, 204, 255 // Special words color if a active mode is present, in RGBA (0-255)
"string_color": [
51, 153, 102, 255 // String literak color if a active mode is present, in RGBA (0-255)
"background_color": [
0, 0, 0, 255 // Editor background color RGBA (0-255)
"selection_color": [
0, 0, 0, 255 // Selection area color RGBA (0-255)
"highlight_color": [
0, 0, 0, 255 // Color of the active line background highlight. RGBA (0-255)
"number_color": [
0, 0, 160, 255 // Color used for numbers. RGBA (0-255)
"line_number_color": [
0, 0, 160, 255 // Color used for line numbers RGBA (0-255)
"status_color": [
0, 0, 160, 255 // Color used for the status line, buffer information RGBA (0-255)
"minibuffer_color": [
0, 0, 160, 255 // Color used for the Minibuffer, actions like search, replace, save new and so on. RGBA (0-255)
"window_transparency": true // if the window is allowed to be transparent
"font_face": "/Users/liz3/Library/Fonts/FiraCode-Regular.ttf" // TTF font face path
Here are some infos.
Standard input & output
Ledit can work with stdin/out by passing -
as file name, NOTE: saving will print once then exit!
C stands for CTRL, M for alt/meta.
Escape serves two purposes and behaves a bit like VIM.
If you are currently in a minibuffer(command action) that cancels that action, escape again closes the ledit instance.
Otherwise this instantly closes the instance.
C-a - jump to line start.
C-e - jump to line end.
C-f - advance one character.
C-b - reverse one character.
C-p - go up one line.
C-n - go down one line
M-f - jump forward by one word.
M-b - jump backwards by one word.
More generalised Navigation:
C-x-a - jump to file start.
C-x-e - jump to to the last line in the file.
C-x-g - asks for a line number to jump to.
C-s will prompt for input and with enter its then possible to search that term case sensitive!
C-d - delete character after the cursor
M-d - delete the next word including a whitespace.
C-shift-p - move current line up
C-shift-n - move current line down
C-w - cut selection
C-r - replace, first asks for search then for replace\, use SHFT-RET to replace all matches.
C-x-/ - If a mode is active either comment or uncomment the cursor line or the selected lines, does not work for raw text mode.
C-x-s - Save to last path, if no path present, ledit will ask for a path.
C-x-n - Save to new location, note that this will not overwrite the default save path, to overwrite the default path, save then load.
C-x-o - Load new file, this will replace the current file, non existing files will still load but be marked as New Files.
C-x-k - switch between open files(buffers) in the session,
Note: pressing this again will rotate through files that where open.
C-z - Undo.
M-w/C-c - Copy
C-y/C-v - Paste
C-space - Toggles selection mode on and off.
C-x-l - Toggle Line numbers.
C-+ - Increase font size
C--(-)- decrease font size
C-x-0 - Load new font file, note that doing this will persist it in the config.
C-x-h - Toggle highlighting of the active line.
C-x-m - Switch active mode for current buffer.
C-x-w - close current buffer if its not the only one, otherwise use ESC.
Ledit is free software following GPL 2.0.