i'm using pva-faster-rcnn on windows+cuda8.0. I'm trying to training my own data (1 object class and background) with the following code: python tools/ --gpu 0 --solver models/pvanet/example_train/solver.prototxt --weights models/pvanet/pva9.1/PVA9.1_ImgNet_COCO_VOC0712.caffemodel --iters...
There's some trouble with my gpu, it cannot get through on ubuntu. Is there any one who has run the pvanet on windows?
i have successfully trained the net my own data using end2end training. However, when training using alternative training, i meet the same error "assert len(top) == len(self._name_to_top_map) AssertionError". I have...
Hello Christopher, I'm trying to evaluate your model on the synthetic ModelNet40 dataset. I wrote my own dataloader and trained your model with the default settings. But after a few...
Hi, @deep-unlearn , can you provide a copy of the nDSM data? I didn't find this dataset in the contest website.
Does the faster rcnn method support multi-scale training and testing? The training scale parameter in configure file is a matrix, does it means it supports multi -scale training? But the...
is there anyone who can share his or her experience about parameter setting when detecting small object using Faster RCNN?
i follow the instructions and successful startup the hadoop using ./ But when i run the wordcount example, i got this messages, and it just stop there: root@hadoop-master:~# ./ mkdir:...