Yuan Liu
Yuan Liu
Hi, you may refer to https://docs.opencv.org/4.x/dd/d43/tutorial_py_video_display.html
Hi, you may need to use a blender for this purpose. I render it offline and then compose it. It would involve some complicated coordinate system transformations so I do...
Hi, 是c2w。我这里会统一转换为w2c。 https://github.com/liuyuan-pal/Gen6D/blob/50aa71b2dbb3198772c025d54d0dd191a918982c/dataset/database.py#L534
`data\custom\pandas\test/images_out_smooth/%d-bbox.jpg: No such file or directory` 默认输出是在这个文件夹里面,似乎你的这个文件夹是空的
Hi, thank you for your interest in our work! 1. For training objects, we use both ref and test in training. We then evaluate on unseen objects, which are not...
Yes, there is a map between the COLMAP id and the frame id. You may check https://github.com/liuyuan-pal/Gen6D/blob/50aa71b2dbb3198772c025d54d0dd191a918982c/dataset/database.py#L173 So you can retrieve the input image.