The class_num is set as the number of IDs in train dataset, and if only use development dataset the code related to getting the training labels also needs to be...
> Has this problem been solved? file path should be set true
权重文件训练时模型的输出类别数量为41(6个machine type的总id数量),该报错是因为当前输出类别数量设置为1,输出类别数量参考该行代码:
这种情况代码并不适用,需要有额外id数据进行分类,可以参考一下DCASE 2020技术报告中的代理异常方法看看
I also commit this problem, the result is terrible.
Can you get a good result?
> @wesbz @liuyoude One problem I found is that the loss of generator is significantly larger than the discriminator, for example: 6199809.67 vs 2.35. This might cause the non-convergence of...
> I think it may be caused by the weight set of generator loss