> On second thought, it works fine in my environment except infrast and some parts of fight. So it's not a shell problem. I'll look into it some more. Do...
麻烦你注意观察一下,卡关的几个不期而遇是不是都有不能选的背景是源石锥的选项 雕匠那关我怀疑有没有可能是文字描述太长进入关卡的按钮位置不一样?你可以也观察一下吗
大规模更新了识别替换,beta 5可用,如果还有别的错误可以发新的issue > 话说 这个替换直接写 resource\global\YoStarJP\resource\task里面? 是的,替换的话也可以直接发Pull Request 参考[开发相关.md](https://github.com/MaaAssistantArknights/MaaAssistantArknights/blob/master/docs/2.2-开发相关.md),感谢贡献
This is probably due to OCR recognition error and I have made a patch #3554 that should solve part of the issue
> 没明白,啥意思。指定干员不行吗 水月的职业队(比如术特、重辅)不像傀影,初始干员是抽取几个直升精二,其他的都是精一。比如用重辅,开局令刷出来的可能是精一
不同的issue可以分开来发 日服肉鸽选难度了吗