
Results 15 issues of Legend

hi What a good library the NativeUtils is! NativeUtils works pretty nice. By using code below,I can load different native library on different platform. is that necessary to encapsulate `System.mapLibraryName()`...

``` { "lint:js": "eslint", "abc":"xyz" } ``` Json like this in notepad3 highlight show ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20764978/149649283-60d91ee9-e3d4-4cb4-aa21-f6acb188dfcd.png) If there is `:` in key of json object ,hight light not work

🐞 bug

xml file comment is `````` But if i open a xml file and press `ctrl + /`,it show ```//Your comment``` This makes xml file not valid

🐞 bug

a xml file like this `https://github.com` open with notepad3 it show this ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20764978/147368355-905d35be-e425-4906-8d4d-7a04faa8b85c.png) i think this part (`` ) should not be included

Default port is 3000,but this Dockerfile EXPOSE 80 port. Or we can use `ENV PORT 80` to change port.


改了改能用了,只测试了小爱同学的灯。 不确定具体的通信协议是什么,还请官方尽快维护,最好给出文档

https://github.com/nayuki/QR-Code-generator generator QR Code, 2 files include, both c/c++

#### What did I do Click on "New Connection," then close MQTTX directly; an error will pop up. ![recording](https://github.com/emqx/MQTTX/assets/20764978/b04b7107-c329-4e7e-a54b-be14391c8298) #### What happened Get an error. #### Environment - OS: OS...


Hi, @but0n I want to have a quick test on this library, so I checkout demo branch in git, compile (ubuntu20.04 gcc) and run. I got a test.ppm but it...