
Results 4 issues of 刘同阳

在data.json文件中添加了1w+条纯净的名人名言,更丰富待生成文本。 新更新的名人名言也一并更新进了index.html中。 提供了一个更新data.json文件的接口,可以用于更新json文件中的"famous" , “bosh”, “before”, "after" 等字段。用法:用待更新数据替换AddData.txt,修改AddData.py中ori_data的字段,python AddData.py。

**Description** I followed the revChatGPT[unofficial] demo for testing in readme, from revChatGPT.ChatGPT import Chatbot chatbot = Chatbot({ "session_token": "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIn0..126Ay0S.........." }, conversation_id=None, parent_id=None) # You can start a custom conversation response...


First of all, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for your excellent work. NanoGPT has been extremely helpful for our research and applications. Currently, I am attempting to implement...

很棒的工作! 单卡跑 33B 的模型,很让人兴奋,请问有计划开源并行训练的代码和运行脚本吗?

future work