Sulin Liu
Sulin Liu
When following the molecule generation tutorial in, I got the following error when running the following code to generate with the pretrained GCPN`results = task.generate(num_sample=32, max_resample=5)`. Here is the...
I was running the `binomial_mnist.jl` in `examples` on CUDA with `julia binomial_mnist.jl` and run into this error: > ERROR: LoadError: InvalidIRError: compiling kernel init_mar!(CuDeviceMatrix{Float32, 1}, CuDeviceVector{Union{ProbabilisticCircuits.BitsMul, ProbabilisticCircuits.BitsSum, ProbabilisticCircuits.BitsInput{ProbabilisticCircuits.BitsBinomial}}, 1}, CuDeviceMatrix{UInt8,...