Quande Liu

Results 7 issues of Quande Liu

Hi, I have built the customized dataset following the official instruction. When I feed some images of minist dataset in the directory of my customized dataset, the model training goes...

help wanted

Hi @xuuuuuuchen , I get some trouble to understand the implementation to compute the coutour length. ``` x = y_pred[:,:,1:,:] - y_pred[:,:,:-1,:] # horizontal and vertical directions y = y_pred[:,:,:,1:]...

First of all, thanks for you great efforts on maintaining this project. The outpaining results on my own images are relatively bad, so I am trying reproduce the reuslts of...

Dear author, Thanks for your great efforts maintaining this project. I have been working on 2D image generation with diffusion for half year, and now would like to extend to...

@Yash-Vardhan-Sharma Thanks for your interests in our paper. This was originally for demo purpose and for people to easily run the algorithm, so the backbone is just a shallow MLP...

Dear author, Thanks for sharing the excellent work. I found that when using my personal video, there is a clear box region around the mouth in the output result, see...

Hi, Firstly, thanks for your effors on maintaining this repo ! I have used my own embedding file following the instruction but the results are weird. Could you please share...