> ``` > class TestImageDataset(Dataset): > def __init__(self, root, transform, classes2label=None): > super(TestImageDataset, self).__init__() > self.root = root > self.transform = transform > self.classes2label = classes2label > self.image_file_list, self.label_list =...
> > > ``` > > > class TestImageDataset(Dataset): > > > def __init__(self, root, transform, classes2label=None): > > > super(TestImageDataset, self).__init__() > > > self.root = root > >...
I solved this, and this is a docker that may help Pull it by ``` docker pull liuhaohaohao/unsup3d ```
> Hey, > > Thanks for the great work and releasing the code. I was wondering how to set the ratio(76/64) at the resize part here > > >...
> Hi, > > The code is based upon FineGAN ( ) , and this ratio is used there. > I did not try the other resolutions, but I...
> Thanks for your great work! When I downloaded the casia-webface dataset from the link that our repository gave. I found some `.bin` files like lfw.bin. My question is what...