
Results 25 issues of liufeijin

Many thanks for your project. Now i am using SISL lib for my project by QT5. But it is not updated long time. SISL : SISL includes area as ![TIM截图20201104092620](

help wanted

The excel file cell is ![image]( use qt to read out it by QString::fromStdString(ws.cell("B13").to_string()) but got string "44733", how can i to get correct date from excel cell.


if cell is format like as ![QQ截图20210606010546]( write some in to file the cell will be changed as ![QQ截图20210606010516]( and the excel file will be damaged to be repaired. attached...

if a part of cell content is italic after writed some thing in excel file the italic will be lose. but is whole cell content is italic , it is...

Dear msteinbeck Below project has a lot function for your reference. function no. list s1850 - Find all the intersections between a curve and a plane (if curve dimension...

Many thanks for your project. Now i am using SISL lib for my project by QT5. But it is not updated long time. SISL : SISL includes area as ![98058511-e402ca00-1e7f-11eb-9c12-e730b00c5f28](

As below picture , when read the cell i want to get "test" but get "=Sheet2!B29". How to fix it? ![QQ截图20210101115843](

enhancement 개선점
help wanted 도움 필요

if a cell is refer to other cell when read it can't get the value just get he refer string. ![TIM截图20200415111107]( can't get 45354 just get "=Sheet2!A1"

help wanted 도움 필요
invalid 잘못됨
question 질문

XLSM type file contains VBA . if write it the VBA will lose as below red mark ![XLSMFILE]( the vbProject.bin is lost in xlsm zip file cloud you fix it?...

bug 버그
invalid 잘못됨

If the original excel file contain a comment ![TIM截图20190708152518]( after write by QXlsx the comment wil be lost. I compare orignal excel file zip and after write file zip The...

bug 버그