Liu-Cheng Xu

Results 170 comments of Liu-Cheng Xu

Thanks for your response. I'm on the latest master 0f42eb6. ```bash ~/.../cmd/gonvim ❯❯❯ qtsetup check (master) (11/11 13:44:26) INFO[0000] running: 'qtsetup check darwin' [docker=false] [vagrant=false] INFO[0000] GOOS: 'darwin' INFO[0000] GOARCH:...

That's really odd.. ```bash ~/.../cmd/gonvim ❯❯❯ git --no-pager log -n 1 commit 0f42eb64fa1dd8ad93f4036dd5d94ed17fa8db65 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Author: akiyosi Date: Sat Nov 10 19:53:55 2018 +0900 Minor fixes ~/.../cmd/gonvim...

No. The environment `$QT_DIR` is empty, and the directory `/Users/xlc/Qt` does not exist. But I did `export QT_HOMEBREW=true` to *fix* the error `PANI[0000] failed to find QT_DIR`. Seemingly I run...

Thanks for the links. Still no luck after trying these instructions. Thanks anyway.

为了重新排版,后来有过一些顺序上的调整,可能调整错了,欢迎提 PR 修正。

Have you installed

>I'm writing a prototype to use Deno/[denops.vim]( to use node- tree-sitter in Vim/Neovim. So... Deno would be the external binary. Cool, keep up the great work. denops.vim looks interesting. Unfortunately,...

fzf is already supported, but telescope is not, someone needs to work on it as I don't use telescope myself.

Thanks for the report, but I still can not reproduce. Can you provide a minimal vimrc too?