Hello @dr-dimitru I have solved my issue, there is another ``, I used before for prerenderIo. After delete it, looks ok now... Thanks a lot...I will close this.
@dr-dimitru Sorry...I get them back... I try to use `meteor npm start > errorlog 2>&1` to save error log, but It will curl just ok...there are no erros in errorlog......
@dr-dimitru Yes, I can get phantomjs -v, it's 2.1.1 and I get the error from start of log: ``` [34mW20170502-22:44:19.875(8)? (STDERR) [39m[35m spiderable: phantomjs failed: { [Error: stderr maxBuffer exceeded][39m...
and I try to use phantomjs alone: ``` phantomjs --load-images=no --ssl-protocol=TLSv1 --ignore-ssl-errors=true --web-security=false /Users/mac/learn/meteor/meteor_test/.meteor/local/build/programs/server/assets/packages/jazeee_spiderable-longer-timeout/lib/phantom_script.js "http://localhost:3000/follow" ``` It was ok, without any error......
Hello @dr-dimitru sorry to replay late... I have tried to update this package and update `bufferSize` to server/main.js but no help... How could I get more info about this...
Hello @dr-dimitru I have tried `phantomjs` directly with up flags: `phantomjs --load-images=false --ssl-protocol=any --ignore-ssl-errors=true --disk-cache=true --disk-cache-path=/data/phantomjs --cookies-file=/data/phantomjs/cookies.txt --local-storage-path=/data/phantomjs --local-to-remote-url-access=true --offline-storage-path=/data/phantomjs --web-security=false /Users/xxx/meteor_test/.meteor/local/build/programs/server/assets/packages/jazeee_spiderable-longer-timeout/lib/phantom_script.js "http://localhost:3000"` It was ok, I dont get error...
@mjyoung I did this it was work `rm -rf node_modules/react-mathjax2/node_modules/react` this is [why](