Yinhao Liu

Results 7 issues of Yinhao Liu

你好, 在复现论文的过程中,发现性能结果与论文相差较大(训练、测试集划分以及具体的学习率等均采用原始代码所给参数)。想咨询一下,具体的论文中复现性能所采用的细节。 1.首先是视频帧的选取,原始代码中所采用的是跳帧操作。但我注意到论文中的描述是 Training segments are randomly cropped from videos for data augmentation.We select a random temporal position and sample a clip with 60 frames.如果我的理解没有错误的话,这里的意思是每个视频随机选取一个60帧的连续片段。 所以,我想问一下,这个结果是按照开源代码的操作还是论文的操作实现的?亦或是我的这部分理解有问题? 2.另外,以上两种方法我都尝试过,但似乎性能仍有较大差距。在论文中提到的重复实验部分,具体是怎么重复的,如果是对于数据集重新划分后实验,能否提供10次对应的划分json文件.

Hello !当我复现代码的时候,遇到一些问题,想咨询一下您~ 1. 代码中 from utils.colorize_mask import cityscapes_colorize_mask, VOCColorize 在demo 中并未发现此库,是否需要额外下载,如何下载? 2. 在测试中,能否标注各个库的版本,分享一份requirement.txt 3. 测试中 test_seqs.txt 能否提供一下?下载的DAVIS中似乎并未包括。

We use the code to test the performance in NVIDIA NX. However, we found that there is a gap between the calculated real computing power and the theoretical computing power...

When I use the code to train, I met the problem. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/liuyh/pycharm-community-2021.2.2/plugins/python-ce/helpers/pydev/pydevd.py", line 1483, in _exec pydev_imports.execfile(file, globals, locals) # execute the script File...

1.在requirement.txt 中未指定依赖库版本,导致配置中常有错误发生,能否提供正确的依赖库版本 2.安装后的检测代码 ppvideo --model_name='ppTSM' --video_file='data/example.mp4' 文件example.MP4并不存在,实则为example.avi

Hello, I have encountered this problem during use, can you give me some guidance ![image](https://github.com/MobileNativeFoundation/Kronos/assets/55947582/25666add-2470-4176-8f07-de03303dfed5) i try to use run pod install or pod update. However ,it's useless

when i use it in mac app development, during using `Clock.sync { date, offset in // This is the first sync (note that this is the fastest but not the...