> according to following article: > https://qiita.com/miya0001/items/2499917d7ec3bc905781 > > the solution is to execute following command on guest: > > ``` > curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vccw-team/change-php-version/master/run.sh | bash -s -- 7.3 >...
> I know this is old but I really need to figure out how to update php version so newer themes will run locally. > > @litone01 in your post...
Hi @skyzh , I am relatively new to Rust and RisingLight, but I am very interested in contributing to the project! Currently, I think this issue has been resolved for...
> I think what you've mentioned can be improved to show as much information as possible, so you can have a try if you want! Sure! I will have a...
Hi @dcshzj As discussed in the previous MR (https://github.com/reposense/RepoSense/pull/1558), I am planning to take a more complicated first-timer issue, and this one seems nice! Can I do this? Thanks!
@dcshzj Hi, I have investigated the issue and the suggested direction to solve the issue. After premilinary investigation, I think I can notice that in `ArgsParser.java`, we will check the...
> Hi, may I know if anyone is currently working for this. I am a new contributor and would like to work on this Hi so sorry for holding off...
> Hi, @skyzh let me try drop > > Apologies that I didn't have the bandwidth to complete this. Pls feel free to assign to another person. Thanks.