@fuleinist Got any details on your setup? Did you have to modify anything to get aframe working in the webview?
@fuleinist Thanks for that, sounds like just what we're planning on. Could you clarify exactly what you mean by "bind via xcode" please?
@fuleinist Ah thanks. Next question :) I'm running a simple test and getting an error in the emulator "One of the sources for assign has an enumerable key on the...
@fuleinist Thanks Chris, SO question here:
For more reference, it looks like the Object.Assign definition causes this error deliberately, but looking at the react-native repo I can't see any past version where this was different, so...
@fuleinist I fiddled a lot and got to the point where if I comment out the polyfills.js from react-native, it loads with this error: "undefined is not an object (evaluating...