Alex D.
Alex D.
Can confirm that using `wine-lol-staging` with the version `8-21` shows launcher as expected. Will test if the game works, and play around cheating issues for now. Upd: game works well...
@alhazacod Gratz, but as a heads-up staging build might have deprecated client calls which are treated as cheating scripts on the Riot Games side for some players, so I had...
@alhazacod It's too vague of a description for me to help you. All I can give you is that my setup with `wine-lol-staging 8.21-2` & `leagueoflegends-git 13.7.1.r0.gfb60c87-1` works. I run...
@alhazacod I think maybe you have been following the misleading solution because what I did to play was: - install `leagueoflegends-git 13.7.1.r0.gfb60c87-1` - install `wine-lol-staging 8.21-2` - run `prime-run leagueoflegends...